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San Antonio Birth Doulas

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August 2024

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(Empowered Motherhood: Strategies for Emotional Wellness in Postpartum in Spanish) Maternidad empoderada: estrategias para el bienestar emocional en el posparto

Calendar Current session started Sep 3, 2024 at 11 am, runs for 4 weeks
2 additional sessions through Nov 5, 2024

Maternidad empoderada es una serie de cuatro semanas diseñada para ayudar a las mujeres embarazadas a superar los desafíos que pueden enfrentar durante el período posparto temprano. Si bien esta clase no es un tratamiento para la depresión posparto, su objetivo es brindarles a los participantes una comprensión de las emociones normales que se experimentan durante el período posparto, a menudo denominadas "tristeza posparto", y cómo reconocer cuándo estos sentimientos pueden indicar algo más. graves, como la depresión posparto. Los participantes también obtendrán herramientas para controlar el estrés durante el embarazo y el período posparto, establecer límites con sus seres queridos, pedir ayuda, comunicar sus necesidades e identificar recursos para apoyo adicional cuando sea necesario.

Asegúrese de llegar a tiempo, ya que los participantes que lleguen con más de 30 minutos de retraso no serán admitidos.

**Esta clase es exclusivamente para futuras madres. Para fomentar un espacio para el intercambio abierto y la vulnerabilidad, no se permite la asistencia de los socios. Si la clase se cancela por algún motivo, los participantes serán notificados de inmediato.**

Monday-Welcome Workshop (Hybrid)


with SABD Doulas

Calendar Next available session starts Sep 9, 2024 at 6 pm
12 additional sessions through Dec 6, 2024

Please arrive to class on time, doors will close 15 minutes after start time.The Welcome Workshop is a class for all program participants who have already completed their in person intake. Please call and schedule your intake prior to taking this class. This is a hybrid class and can be taken in person or virtually. If this class is attended in person you will be entered into a drawing for a $25 gift card, you can shop the boutique, and you will receive a door prize. During this workshop we will introduce you to our diverse program services, guide you through the sign-up process, and clarify expectations for your participation.  We will also connect you with invaluable community resources to support your family's well-being. You and your family will leave this session understanding the tools we offer to help meet your goals and feel educated and empowered during pregnancy and/or parenting! 

Starting Solids and Weaning


with Megan Harrison

Calendar Next available session starts Sep 10, 2024 at 1:30 pm
3 additional sessions through Dec 10, 2024

Please arrive to class on time, doors will close 15 minutes after start time.How do you know if your baby is ready for something besides breast milk? Take this class when your baby is between 3 and 6 months of age to learn all the cues of readiness for solid foods, what and when to introduce them, how much to give, and how to maintain your breast milk supply during this period. Seats for this class are individual. If both partners are attending they will both need to register.

Please bring your own water bottle for use with our water dispensers. Snacks will be provided when they are available. Please feel free to bring your own food to class.

Prenatal Power: Energize Your Pregnancy!


with Loany de la Garza Portilla

Calendar Next available session starts Sep 11, 2024 at 12 pm
7 additional sessions through Dec 18, 2024

This is an ongoing class that takes place every other Wednesday unless otherwise specified. Please sign up for every session you would like to attend.

This class is designed for pregnant persons to provide them with faced paced, energizing fun. Come dance and move while we also learn how to keep our body healthy while pregnant!

Please arrive to class on time, doors will close 15 minutes after start time.

Please bring your own mat if you have one, and a water bottle. Snacks will be provided when they are available. Please feel free to bring your own food to class.

Virtual-American Heart Association Health Lessons

Calendar Next available session starts Sep 11, 2024 at 12 pm
14 additional sessions through Dec 18, 2024

Please arrive to class on time, access will be denied 15 minutes after class begins. These classes are part of the EmPOWERED series of classes offered in partnership with the American Heart Association. Each class focuses on a different health topic to assist participants in making healthy lifestyle choices. Participants may be entered into a raffle for a door prize after attending five classes.

Wednesday-Welcome Workshop (Hybrid)


with Summer Lyman

Calendar Next available session starts Sep 18, 2024 at 12 pm
10 additional sessions through Dec 18, 2024

Please arrive to class on time, doors will close 15 minutes after start time.The Welcome Workshop is a class for all program participants who have already completed their in person intake. Please call and schedule your intake prior to taking this class. This is a hybrid class and can be taken in person or virtually. If this class is attended in person you will be entered into a drawing for a $25 gift card, you can shop the boutique, and you will receive a door prize. During this workshop we will introduce you to our diverse program services, guide you through the sign-up process, and clarify expectations for your participation.  We will also connect you with invaluable community resources to support your family's well-being. You and your family will leave this session understanding the tools we offer to help meet your goals and feel educated and empowered during pregnancy and/or parenting! 

Facilitated Playgroup


with Shelley Courtaway

Calendar Next available session starts Sep 11, 2024 at 2 pm
2 additional sessions through Sep 25, 2024

Come join this weekly gathering! Let your child play and socialize while you get to talk to other parents, learn fun ways to engage with your child, and walk away with great connections. 


The curriculum of this class is directed towards children under 3, but siblings are welcome to attend as well. 


This class will take place WEEKLY on WEDNESDAYS at 2pm!

(Childbirth Series in Spanish) Serie de Educación sobre del parto


with Ana Montes

Calendar Next available session starts Sep 11, 2024 at 6 pm
1 additional session on Sep 18, 2024

Por favor llegue a clase a tiempo, las puertas se cerrarán 15 minutos después de la hora de inicio. Esta serie de seis semanas empoderará a los participantes brindándoles conocimientos valiosos que les permitirán tomar decisiones informadas sobre su embarazo, parto y nacimiento, y recuperación posparto, además de brindarles información básica sobre el cuidado del recién nacido y la lactancia materna. Los participantes pueden participar en el sorteo de una tarjeta de regalo después de asistir a las seis sesiones..

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